
practical exegesis in the light of Auerbach’s theory of Figura


Colloque en ligne



Le mardi 21 juin 2022, à partir de 9h.

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9h00: Julie Casteigt (Associate Professor in Ancient and Medieval Philosophy, University of Toulouse II, LEM) – Introduction


Session 1 (chaired by PD Dr. Markus Kleinert) :

Auerbach : theoretical and diachronic 1

9h15: Prof. Dr. Friedrich Balke (Chair of Media Studies with a focus on the theory, history and aesthetics of visual documentary forms at the Ruhr-Univ. Bochum)
« Figura und Figuraldeutung. Überlegungen zu einem Spannungsverhältnis bei Auerbach mit einem Seitenblick auf Freuds Gradiva » / « Figura and Figural Interpretation. Reflections on a Tense Relationship in Auerbach with a Sideways Look at Freud’s Gradiva » – discussion

10h05: Prof. Dr. Daniel Boyarin (Univ. of California, Berkeley), Hermann P. and Sophia Taubman Professor emeritus of Talmudic, Grus Professor of Jewish Law at Harvard Law School
« Allegory versus Typology Revisited » – discussion


Session 2 (chaired by Prof. Dr. Christian Heck) :

figural exegesis

10h55: Dr. Julie Casteigt (Associate Professor in Ancient and Medieval Philosophy, University of Toulouse II, LEM)
« Towards a ternary figural structure. Auerbach’s Figura and Albert the Great’s Super Iohannem » – discussion

11h45: PD Dr. Markus Kleinert (Director of the research department: Kierkegaard Research Unit, Max-Weber-Kolleg of the Univ. of Erfurt)
« Figura und Transfiguration. Zur Darstellung und Deutung der Verklärung Christi » /« Figura and Transfiguration. On the representation and interpretation of the Transfiguration of Christ » – discussion

12h30: Open discussion with the public


Session 3 (chaired by Prof. André Laks) :

textual and iconographic medieval exegesis

13h30: Prof. Dr. Christian Heck (Professor emeritus at the Univ. of Lille, Chair of Medieval Iconography; Former Senior Member of the IUF)
« Auerbach et l’image médiévale : la figura entre mode d’écriture, allégorie, et exégèse typologique » / « Auerbach and the medieval image: figura between writing mode, allegory, and typological exegesis » – discussion


14h20: Dr. Catherine Nicolas (Assistant Professor in Medieval Literature, Univ. Paul Valéry-Montpellier III, CEMM: Centre for Medieval Studies of Montpellier)
« Voir le Christ en propre figure : que signifie figurer le Graal par le texte et par l’image dans les manuscrits du Cycle-Vulgate ? » / « Seeing Christ in his own figure : imagining or figuring the Grail through text and image in the manuscripts of the Vulgate Cycle. » – discussion


Session 4 (chaired by Dr. Catherine Nicolas) :

Auerbach : theoretical and diachronic 2

15h40: Prof. Dr. André Laks (Professeur de philosophie ancienne, Emeritus Paris-Sorbonne/Univ. Panamericana, Mexico)
« Futurs dans le passé : que nous apprend Aristote sur la figuralité en histoire ? » / « Futures in the Past: what does Aristotle teach us about figurality in history? » – discussion

16h30: James Porter, Univ. of California, Berkeley, The Irving Stone Chair in Literature, Rhetoric and Classics)
« How Much (or Little) Does figura Figure in Auerbach’s oeuvre ? »

17h15: Open discussion with the public and conclusions with J. Porter

Programme complet à télécharger